2534 Northrop Avenue

Sacramento, CA, 95825

(916) 480-0720


In the practice of law, as it also is in life:
“Audaces Fortuna Iuvat” — Fortune favors the bold.

— Virgil

Leland J. Ellison

  • Juris Doctor from University of California, Hastings College of Law, 1989
  • Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics from University of California at Santa Barbara, 1983

Leland J. Ellison is designated as a Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate law by the State Bar of California, California Board of Legal Specialization, and he has been so designated since August 30, 1996. He has served on the Settlement Conference Pro Tem Judge panel for probate matters for the Sacramento County Superior Court and he has completed the Temporary Judge Training for the Superior Court of California, Coiunty of Sacramento, as mandated by the California Rules of Court and the California Judicial Council. In addition, Leland J. Ellison has completed the required mediation training for Probate Court mediators for Sacramento County and he has been a member listed on the Sacramento County Court Panel of Probate Mediators since inception. Leland J. Ellison is a past seminar speaker for continuing educations classes for attorneys, accountants and paralegals on topics such as: "California Probate, Beyond the Basics," "Post-Mortem Planning Through Use of Disclaimers," and "California Probate and Estate Planning Skills for Paralegals." Prior to entering law school, Leland J. Ellison was a Senior Tax Accountant with the then Big Eight Accounting firm of Touhce Ross & Co., which is now known as the international firm of Deloitte & Touche. While attending the University of California, Hastings College of Law, Leland J. Ellison served, first in 1987, as a member and then in 1988, as a Note Editor for the Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly law journal. Also while attending the University, Hastings College of Law, Leland J. Ellison completed an internship with the then Senior Assistant Attorney General in the Charitable Trust Unit of the California Attorney General Office. Finally, Leland J. Ellison is also a member of the Estate Planning, Trust, and Probate Section of the State Bar of California and is admitted and qualified to practice before all California state courts, Federal District Couirt, United Stated Tax Court and the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

Mr. Ellison practices law in a manner best illustrated by the principles contained in two quotes from Theodore Roosevelt. These quotes summarize his approach in initially dealing with a case and, then, the actions that he takes once that matter turns into a contested or litigated case. With respect to the initial approach in evaluating and dealing with a case, "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far." The meaning of this quote as Mr. Ellison applies it to the practice of law is basically the tactic of exercising cautious optimism that a non-litigation resolution may be possible when first dealing with a case, yet, that optimism must be tempered by the ability to carry out aggressive legal action as required. Accordingly, once that case has turned into a litigated conflict situation, "The unforgivable crime is soft hitting. Do not hit at all if it can be avoided; but never hit softly."

Practice Areas

Estate Planning

Leland J. Ellison will draft an estate plan to meet your individual needs. He has acquired over thirty years of significant experience in all aspects of the drafting of estate plans including, but not limited to, the drafting of Wills, Trusts and Durable Powers of Attorney. Mr. Ellison will draft all types of Revocable Trusts including bypass and disclaimer trusts, Life insurance Trusts and other types of Irrevocable Trusts, Special Needs Trusts, Qualified Domestic Trusts (QDOT) for noncitizen spouses, Qualified Personal Residence Trusts (QPRT) and even judicially created trusts established through a substitute judgment proceedings in a Conservatorship.

Probate Court Proceedings

Leland J. Ellison has significant experience in representing clients in all areas of practice under the jurisdiction of the probate court including, but not limited to, the following: probate estates, trust matters, conservatorship proceedings, guardianship proceedings and spousal property petitions.

Probate Estates and Trusts

Leland J. Ellison has extensive experience representing Executors, Administrators, and beneficiaries in Probate proceedings; Trustees and beneficiaries in Trust proceedings and in the drafting of Trust Petitions to establish claims to trust property, to interpret trust instruments and to determine the validity or invalidity of trust instruments. Mr. Ellison not only represents these clients in the general administration of probate estates and/or trust matters, he also represent parties in the litigation associated with contested trusts and estates.

Probate and Trust Litigation

Leland J. Ellison has extensive experience successfully representing Executors, Administrators, Trustees and beneficiaries in contested and litigated trust and probate proceedings. Mr.Ellison represents clients in complex trust and will contests, asserting and defending claims of undue influence, elder abuse, fraud, and breach of fiduciary obligations. Mr. Ellison has represented clients seeking the appointment and/or removal of Executors, Administrators, Conservators, and Trustees, and we also represent those same type of fiduciaries in defending against such actions.

Conservatorships and Guardianships

Leland J. Ellison represents Conservators, both private parties and professional fiduciaries, and family members in Conservatorship proceedings and Guardians and family members in Guardianships proceedings. In addition, Leland J. Ellison has more than thirty years of extensive experience serving as court appointed counsel for conservatees in conservatorship matters and minors in guardianship matters.


Leland J. Ellison is a Sacramento County Superior Court approved probate mediator. Mr. Ellison has served as a mediator in trust and probate litigation matters which have trial dates pending and on other disputed matters where the parties have informally agreed to mediate disputed probate matters prior to engaging in formal litigation.


Use the contact information or form below to get in touch with Leland J. Ellison.


(916) 480-0720


(916) 480-0737




2534 Northrop Avenue
Sacramento, CA, 95825

A lawyer's time and advice is his stock in trade.

— Abraham Lincoln